ARTE, as a European public service cultural platform, is fully aware of the challenges, opportunities and threats posed by artificial intelligence (AI) tools for the creation, distribution and analysis of journalistic works and content.
The purpose of this charter is to provide a framework for the responsible use of these tools by our media, in line with the fundamental values of the ARTE Group:
- respect for our audience
- respect for creation and the creative act
- encouragement to present multiple viewpoints
It is intended to apply to all programmes and processes launched after 01/07/2024, following a series of tests and groundwork carried out over more than a year.
Our principles for using generative AI tools
1. Responsibility Principle
Any use of AI by ARTE teams for internal purposes (translation, transcription, information search, content indexing, etc.) and/or external purposes (publication of a text, image or video) shall be carried out under human supervision.
2. Trustworthy AI Principle
Any generative artificial intelligence tool used by ARTE must comply with the following three criteria:
- security of data sent by ARTE must be guaranteed
- traceability of the company that has published the tool
- compliance with current European legislation
3. Transparency Principle
Upstream, we must be able to understand the fundamental operating and training principles of the selected AIs.
Downstream, any use of generative AI must be clearly mentioned to our audiences.
4. Adaptability Principle
This charter is designed to be updated on a regular basis, in particular to take account of:
- European and national legal frameworks, which are still being adapted;
- the technical framework, which is constantly evolving.
ARTE requires all its teams (internal and external) to apply the above four principles.