IRELAND'S WILD ISLANDS - modules courts - 0
8 min
- Version française
Texte long : Three years in the making, this spectacular new series features the wildlife of Ireland’s most exposed and majestic Atlantic islands. Revealing striking animal behaviour set in magnificent storm ravaged locations, Ireland’s Wild Islands shows the challenges wild creatures face to survive on and around these isolated outposts. For millennia, Ireland’s western islands were the very edge of the Old World - beyond lay the great ocean that stretched into eternity teeming with life. The series features an extraordinary mass gathering of Basking Sharks off the Aran Islands; Humpback Whales returning from the dead to fish and frolic off Kerry’s Blasket islands; unique footage of breeding Corncrakes and Grey Seal bulls fighting for supremacy on Mayo’s remote Inishkea islands. Following a year on these remote rocks, the series begins as the cold grasp of a north Atlantic winter is starting to take hold, and on the storm battered island of Inishvickillane the Red Deer rut is getting underway. As spring rolls around and the days lengthen Arctic Terns complete their round trip to the Antarctic Ocean to raise a single chick on the lonely islands of the Maharee Islands off County Kerry. Summer on Rathlin Island off Ireland’s north coast sees a quarter of a million seabirds coming to nest on the wave carved cliffs, and here flightless Guillemot chicks must make a 300 foot leap of faith to the crashing surf below. Finally as Autumn comes around, the coast off the Aran Islands play host to a newly discovered wildlife phenomenon, hundreds of basking sharks swimming in concentric circles in an extraordinary breeding display.
Texte court :
Three years in the making, this spectacular new series features the wildlife wonders of Ireland’s Atlantic islands. Featuring an extraordinary mass gathering of Basking Sharks off the Aran Islands; Humpback Whales returning from the dead to fish and frolic off Kerry’s Blasket islands; unique footage of breeding Corncrakes and Grey Seal bulls fighting for supremacy on Mayo’s remote Inishkea islands. Following an island year off the wild Atlantic coast, each season brings new challenges to the creatures that find refuge on these isolated rocks. From the storms of winter to the haze of summer, these wild islands are host to some extraordinary wildlife spectacles.